Confirm your profile Your profile was registered correctly. We have sent an email to the provided address. To confirm your profile and log in, open the mail message and click on the included link.
Retrieve password We have sent an email to . Follow the mail instructions to reset your password. The message can take 5 minutes to get into your inbox. If you don't receive the email, check your spam folder or request another one.
The charity is requesting donations to support their disaster relief efforts in the affected areas. La organización benéfica está solicitando donaciones para apoyar sus esfuerzos de respuesta a desastres en las zonas afectadas.
2. ask (a person) to do something.
Can I request that you help me with this project? (informal) Puedo pedir que me ayudes con este proyecto?
3. inquire for (information).
The journalist requested an interview with the CEO to get more information about the company's latest product launch. El periodista solicitó una entrevista con el CEO para obtener más información sobre el lanzamiento reciente del producto de la empresa.